

The ratio of your collateral balance to your debt balance.

Collateral balance

The sum of the total value of collateral staked by you across all chains and the total value of SYNTH earned by you as liquidation rewards from protocol liquidations.

Debt balance

The total value of syASSETS minted by you across all chains.

Free collateral balance

The sum of the total value of collateral staked by you across chains that is available for withdrawal and the total value of SYNTH earned by you as liquidation rewards from protocol liquidations.

Liquidation collateral balance

The amount of the selected collateral staked by the user on the selected chain that will be liquidated to square off his/her outstanding debt.

Liquidation rewards escrowed

The total amount of total liquidation rewards escrowed by you for a period of 30 days.

Outstanding debt

The portion of the user's debt balance that is not sufficiently collateralized.

Total liquidation rewards

The total amount of SYNTH earned by you as liquidation rewards from protocol liquidations.

Withdrawable collateral balance

The amount of the selected collateral staked by you on the selected chain that is available for withdrawal.

Withdrawable liquidation rewards

The total amount of escrowed liquidation rewards that are available for withdrawal.

Last updated