
  1. Perform transactions to earn base rewards.

  • Fetch your chain-wise transaction counts from

  • Calculate your chain-wise base rewards using the base rewards structure.

  • Alternatively, you can refer to the base rewards shown on

  • Multiply your base rewards with the corresponding weight multiplication factor.

  • The result is then multiplied with the role multiplication factor.

  1. Complete Zealy quest to earn Zealy XP.

  • Update your Zealy XP using the update Zealy XP bot.

  • Fetch your Zealy XP from

  • Multiply your Zealy XP with the corresponding weight multiplication factor.

  • The result is multiplied with the role multiplication factor.

  1. Complete milestones and claim badges to earn badge rewards. Badge rewards are calculated by multiplying base rewards with the badge and role multiplication factors.

  2. Perform transactions during specific campaign periods to earn campaign rewards.

  3. Register using a referral code to earn referee rewards. Referee rewards are calculated similar to base rewards, but using the referee rewards structure and role multiplication factor.

  4. Refer users to earn referrer rewards. Referrers earn 20% of the base rewards earned by their referred users. This result is then multiplied with the role multiplication factor.

  5. Alternatively, you can fetch your badge, campaign, referee, and referrer rewards from The values shown already include your role benefits.

  6. syCREDITS=(RewardsBaseMultiplication factorWeight+Zealy XPMultiplication factorWeight)Multiplication factorRole+RewardsBadge+RewardsCampaign+RewardsReferrer+RewardsRefereesyCREDITS = (Rewards {\scriptscriptstyle Base} * Multiplication \space factor {\scriptscriptstyle Weight} + Zealy \space XP * Multiplication \space factor {\scriptscriptstyle Weight}) * Multiplication \space factor {\scriptscriptstyle Role} + Rewards {\scriptscriptstyle Badge} + Rewards {\scriptscriptstyle Campaign} + Rewards {\scriptscriptstyle Referrer} + Rewards {\scriptscriptstyle Referee}

Understand how the calculation works using the following example:

  1. User details as shown on

  • Role: EA

  • Zealy XP: 250

  • Badge rewards: 500

  • Campaign rewards: 650

  • Referee rewards: 100

  • Referrer rewards: 150

  1. Transactions on Avalanche Fuji:

  • Mint: 10

  • Cross-chain swap: 7

  • Flag for liquidation: 9

  1. Transactions on BNB Testnet:

  • Mint: 34

  • Cross-chain swap: 6

  • Flag for liquidation: 18

  1. Rewards for Avalanche Fuji:

  • Mint=(412)+(29)+(36)+(13)=87Mint = (4 * 12) + (2 * 9) + (3 * 6) + (1 * 3) = 87

  • Crosschain swap=(412)+(29)+(16)=72Cross \text{\textendash} chain \space swap = (4 * 12) + (2 * 9) + (1 * 6) = 72

  • Flag for liquidation=(424)+(218)+(312)=168Flag \space for \space liquidation = (4 * 24) + (2 * 18) + (3 * 12) = 168

  1. Rewards for BNB Testnet:

  • Mint=(412)+(29)+(36)+(253)=159Mint = (4 * 12) + (2 * 9) + (3 * 6) + (25 * 3) = 159

  • Crosschain swap=(412)+(29)=66Cross \text{\textendash} chain \space swap = (4 * 12) + (2 * 9) = 66

  • Flag for liquidation=(424)+(218)+(312)+(96)=222Flag \space for \space liquidation = (4 * 24) + (2 * 18) + (3 * 12) + (9 * 6) = 222

  1. Base rewards:

  • RewardsAvalanche Fuji+RewardsBNB Testnet=327+447=774Rewards {\scriptscriptstyle Avalanche \space Fuji} + Rewards {\scriptscriptstyle BNB \space Testnet} = 327 + 447 = 774

  1. syCREDITS:

  • (7741+2505)2+500+650+100+150=5,448(774 * 1 + 250 * 5) * 2 + 500 + 650 + 100 + 150 = 5,448

Last updated